My Story
Following a globe-trotting career as a flight attendant for a major airline, Lynda dusted off her Masters Degree in Public Relations from Boston University and created a boutique marketing firm – dedicated to Southern authors.
The idea was born from her love of travel and the written word.
Lynda met hundreds of well-known authors at 35,000 feet. She discovered a common thread to most every conversation – book tours were daunting and New York publishers needed help in the South.
She saw a void that needed to be filled.
So she pitched the idea of a ‘concierge service’ for authors touring in the South to each of the top publishing houses in New York.
They loved Lynda’s crazy idea!
In-house publicists and authors spread the word for her.
Booking Authors Ink is now the ‘go-to’ agency for securing Southern book tours, garnering regional publicity and uniquely positioning a book for targeted results.
Lynda believes that successful book marketing is all about collaborative story-telling.

At the core it’s Lynda’s sense of humor and nimble ‘outside of the book’ thinking that drives her best work. She believes that book marketing is all about collaborative story-telling.
She works closely with traditional and hybrid publishing houses as well as emerging and established authors on Southern publicity campaigns. Her client list includes award-winning authors Nicholas Sparks, Ken Burger, Dorothea Benton Frank, Bobby Dean, James Patterson, David Baldacci and Stephen King among many others.
Lynda is a consultant for Southern authors seeking publicity and event placement throughout the South.
She shares advice about publicity and marketing for writers at Where Writers Win and has been a featured speaker for the SC Writers Workshop and panel moderator at the South Carolina Book Festival.
Lynda holds a Masters Degree in Public Relations from Boston University and did post graduate work in Literature at Oxford University in England.
When she isn’t traveling with authors, Lynda supports Literacy Councils in North and South Carolina and volunteers at her local chapter of Donate Life – helping create awareness for the importance of organ donation.