S1 E13 – When the Detour Becomes the Main Road

S1 E13 – When the Detour Becomes the Main Road – In this year-end episode, Lynda reflects on highlights from Season 1 and the common thread in each episode. She shares her thoughts on why writing matters and previews a fascinating, fun-filled Season 2.
Lynda believes the riskiest thing you can do in life is to play it safe. Some people trade dreams of what once gave them the most joy for more practical pursuits. Lynda turned her joyous passions into a creative reinvention in the wake of great personal loss. Her detour became the main road. There was no map for her to follow when she created Booking Authors Ink. She built a new road. You’ll find more about it here.
Literature reminds us that life isn’t already written down. There are infinite possibilities!
Lynda’s Detour – With Dr. Laura Schlessinger, author & SeriusXM radio host

The podcast with a Southern accent on writing.
Hosted by Lynda Bouchard.
Powered by storytellers.